Friday, January 23, 2015

Spiderman blanket


Hey lovelys


How are you doing?
I have been busy, busy, busy...
knitting a little, crocheing a lot and did almost finish the blanket for my little G.
I needed a little bit of black yarn, so I could do the last little bit and I just went to the store and wouldn't you now 
I forgot to get black yarn. 


Anyways, I did get the DMC for February cross stitch.
I am really hafing fun with that proget and can't wait for next month. I kinda want to start now, but 
being who I am that is hard for me because I already had decided to do it ones a month.

Buy for now, we are getting som friends over for dinner so I better get things started.


Sew what c",)



  1. I know one little guy who is going to love that Spider-Man blanket!

    Birgitta xx

  2. What beautiful crochet, so love the pattern and strong vibrant red and blue colours. Have a nice day, from Pam in Norway
